Saturday, August 10, 2013

In Memory of My Dad (07/28/45 - 08/08/13)

In Memory of My Dad

My Dad, Steven Edward Hollems passed away; Thursday, August 8th, 2013. He was 68 Years Old.

Funeral Service Update Below - 08/23/13

Click to Enlarge

I will miss my Dad greatly, Loved him so much, a Great Man, Great Father, and always was fun to talk to him about everything from his hobby of coin collecting, Baseball, Wrestling, Star Wars, and I also will miss the great times we had doing things together, such as projects inside and outside the house, going places together, and just being around him as both a father, and a great man who has given me such a beautiful life. Thank You Dad, I Love You, and I will Miss You. R.I.P. Dad.

Obituary - Click Here

8/23/13 - Funeral Service Update.

On Friday, August 23rd, 2013 was the Funeral Service for my Dad at Live Oak Memorial park in Monrovia, California. It was a beautiful celebration and tribute to a great man, and a great father who had given so much love and inspiration to myself and siblings throughout our lives. I was the Eulogy speaker, and wrote a beautiful tribute summary of his life journey. I had my sister up at the podium for moral support as I read it to the crowd of family and friends. Click Images For Full Screen Size

Tribute Video - His Life Journey. It's so emotional to watch this video, miss him so much. My Dad was a great man, and even a better father. So many memories. A Great Tribute to such a wonderful, and caring, loving person who gave myself and siblings so much love and joy in our lives. I am saddened by his passing, but I know he is now with the lord, and watching over us as our guardian angel. RIP Dad. Love You Always. -Your Son Tim.