Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me & Great-Niece Scarlette

Well, today is my birthday, and I am planning to spend the day celebrating with a nice dinner with my family, including my great niece Scarlette, who turned 2 years old on Thursday, February 7th. We'll be celebrating together. Though I feel, look and act younger than my 43 years, it's always a good feeling when I get compliments from others that I look younger, so that's always good. It should be a fun day.

My great-niece Scarlette, celebrates her 2nd Birthday. She got a special cake made out of cupcakes, nice. Click the images for larger size.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Top 12 Favorite Actresses. Each woman has a unique style, charisma, humor and beauty that I am looking for in someone to meet and possibly date. If I could choose only two from the list to meet, it would have to be Amy Adams and Rachel McAdams. I loved Amy Adams in "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian", "Julie and Julia", "Sunshine Cleaning", and "The Muppets" and soon will be playing Lois Lane in the new Superman feature this summer in "Man of Steel". Rachel McAdams in "The Notebook", "Red Eye", "The Time Traveller's Wife" and "Wedding Crashers", and soon will be in several more movies this year, including "About Time".

Amy Adams

01. Amy Adams
02. Anne Hathaway
03. Elizabeth Banks
04. Emily Blunt
05. Ginnifer Goodwin
06. Isla Fisher
07. Kat Dennings
08. Katherine Heigl
09. Rachel McAdams
10. Scarlette Johansson
11. Winona Ryder
12. Zooey Deschanel

Rachel McAdams

There are plenty other Actresses who I find interesting, but these women didn't make my Top 12, such as Amanda Peet, Anna Kendrick, Christina Ricci, Daphne Zuniga, Elizabeth Hurley, Jennifer Aniston, Katie Holmes, Kiera Knightley, Marisa Tomei, Molly Ringwald, and of course Natalie Portman.